With literally thousands of players, coaches and supporters who all have been affected by the mentoring of Coach Mike Farley, it only seemed fitting to find a way to share the memories of so many fantastic seasons. This site is an on-going tribute to my father’s legacy and a resource to share how our lives have been enhanced by his good deeds. I write these words, as his son, and take great pride in being able to share this site with you.
Please, feel free to comment and to connect via Facebook or through this site.
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— Mike Farley Jr.
UWRF ballboy, statistician, camper, counselor, recruit, player, coach, graduate & son
Absolutely the best! Best coach, mentor, who gave us the best memories and college experience. Thanks for all you did Coach. Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you.
We (and a close to full Theta Chi house) missed you, Mike!
One of the most influential role model’s in my life. Coach Farley used the game of football to teach us about the game of life. One play at a time! What are you going to do after getting knocked down, quit? Or pick yourself up and try to win the next battle. Be personally accountable of your actions. I don’t think there are many days in my life that I don’t apply the lessons imparted upon me by Coach Farley! I often wonder if he understands the impact he made on each of our lives.
I’m sure he does, Bruce… but this site is here to ensure that he (and others) realizes just how big an impact he had on so many lives.
Hello Mike JR and Mike Senior,
I want to reach out and let you know that I am being inducted into the Lakeville North High School Athletic Hall of Fame this coming July. Want to let all my former coaches and those that have had a huge impact on my life. And Coach, you were one of those that have made a long impression on my life. I am inviting you to be a part of the celebration and ceremony on July 12, 2015 in Lakeville, MN. I realize that you don’t live in the River Falls area, but still feel that I needed to reach out.
Please feel free to contact me via my email, jon.ackerman@dcsdk12.org
Thank you!
Jon Ackerman
Dear Coach,
I am sorry for not attending your tribute back on September 25, 2014. I was online today looking up UWRF Football and was all your interviews and attending player tributes. It was funny I played with quite a few.
I would like to thank you from the depth of my heart for believing that this 5’7 1/2″ 165 lbs. could play college football. I know in 1981 I wasn’t the recruit you really wanted from Beaver Dam. I hope during my football career at UWRF I left you no regrets.
I like to thank you for the many tributes you gave me while at UWRF and after. The first of many was when I was on Scout Defense my freshman year. With one of your famous, “Are kidding me we cannot block, Nowak.” Next was at my Senior Meeting with you at the end of the year. You said, “I regret that I didn’t move me to quarterback.” As now and as then, I don’t understand that. Finally at your Hall of Fame induction in 1989. You pointed me out during your speech that I was a real student athlete.
As my journey after leaving UWRF continued, I used many of you teaching to get me through good times and bad times. I feel that I have finally am where I truly belong. After a 25 year career with the Federal Government in Chicago, IL, I retired and returned home to were my journey began, Beaver Dam, WI. My days are filled with monitoring the Beaver Dam High School Weight Room, working for a local hatchery, coaching the Beaver Dam High School Powerlifting Team and playing baseball. In the fall, I spend hours with my dog hunting waterfowl.
Thanks again Coach for BELEIVING in ME
William B Nowak
1981 to 1985
#67 and #36