Farley & Perrin would play paddleball, which was a harder game to play because the ball did not have the bounce. I went with them to several paddleball tournaments around WI.
I remember Farley teaching me how to play racquetball. After a few days, he told me to play with other people until I got better. After a while (or if he could not find someone to play with that day) he’d let me play with him again. Same game as Herrick; he would give me 15, then 10, then 5 and finally he would start minus 10, etc until we played straight up. Don’t remember the year but I started beating him, not regularly, but occasionally. This was a great time for Greaser, sad for Farley.
Football players would ask a coach or an older player who they could play racquetball ball with. Sometimes the football player asking would say “What about fat old Greaser.” The ones who knew, said you don’t want to play him. Just like Daryl, they thought they were pretty good athletes. I played the game a little differently. Win by just a few and then make a wager, “I’ll give you 15… to 21 for a beer”. Again I would just barely win and set the hook for the big one. You get 18 to 21 for a bottle of Bacardi. Their ego was really hurt, but I said you cannot tell anyone or I will tell everyone how bad I beat you. (If they would tell everyone, there would be no more bets!) Finally the word got around and no more bets.
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Kept me in beer during the season!
To this day, Farley has to wonder why he hired Coach Greaser?
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