My brother Steve just came back from visiting my mother in Mesa, Arizona. Each visit for any of us, usually results in finding a “long lost” photo from my dad’s youth. However, Steve found this Falcon game photo of my dad on the sidelines, none-too-happy about an apparent holding penalty.
What’s most curious is that we couldn’t remember him ever wearing a golf hat on the sidelines (the only hat he wore was an old red stocking cap during cold winter games). But this photo proves otherwise.
Want to play detective?
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Use your powers of deduction to state your answer… or simply help the rest of us figure out what year, when and where this was in my dad’s coaching career.
Thanks, in advance!
Eric Elmhorst
What years were OG an assistant? Not sure if that has any relevance?
Mike Farley
Stump and Teddy on the sidelines means it’s 80’s. My last year is ’84. No coach had a white coaching sweatshirt then. Got to be after that. Who’s other coach? Vessely?
Mike Farley
What football field has cars and buildings within view? Not Ramer.
Jim Schulenburg
How about 87 at Superior? Not for sure. Remember that hat!
Mike Farley
Did you play Superior in ’87? They had a crappy field, too.
Eric Elmhorst
Yes. Big running back. Stopped at ??? to eat. My first road trip and couldn’t believe I ate for free!
Thomas Steward
OG and Stump’s sexy shorts. Before I was there, I know that.
Mike Farley
It’s a Fall day. Not November. Maybe first or second game of season?
Mike Farley
That’s not O’Grady… that’s Teddy — isn’t it?
Thomas Steward
WOW, he morphed. 😆 could that be Stout, old field looking North?
Mike Farley
Stout does make sense.
Mike Farley
Crappy field right by the street?
Thomas Steward
yep, sucked. It was always mud on the sidelines
Mike Farley
I only played there once (not twice) because they moved the game from Stout to River Falls due to their field being covered in ice one year. Ours wasn’t much better. Still remember one of our receivers playing in socks.
Thomas Steward
Eric Elmhorst
YES! Actually noted OG was carrying extra weight!
Wally Langfellow
That is Coach Thompson
Shawn Dugan
I’m guessing 1988 Mick miyamoto is in there.
Mike Farley
If that’s true, when did RF play Stout and what was the score?
Shawn Dugan
’88 we play them down in Stout so that’s at home right so it had to been 1987. Can’t remember the score.
Mike Farley
We seem to be right on top of this…
Mike Farley
Who played that day?
Shawn Dugan
as far as quarterback?
Mike Farley
No, got to be more guys from the 1987 season who might know. I’m long gone.
Shawn Dugan
Tim Vesley, Jim Schulenburg LeRoy Miles, Dan VandeYacht
Jim Benick
The assistant is Jim Frawley.1988 I believe. Coach’s last year. That is Teddy. OG was not on staff at that time.
Chris O’Brien
Benny is correct.
Mike Farley
What’s with the golf hat? Not exactly Bear Bryant.
Chris O’Brien
the Coach was always cutting edge G.Q.😎
Mike Farley
I remember pouting in the car as he drove me to high school one morning (after getting a very short hair cut from my mom) and him telling me, “One day, you’ll all be right back in style with me.” 🤣
Rich Lightsey
Mike, this may not help. I cried to when your mom cut your hair, By the way my brother and I had a barber that cut our hair the same way. We called him .25 hair man. We would not have paid him ,25 cents to cut our hair. lol
Mike Farley
Rich Lightsey I loved your hair… Eddie King’s more.
Dave Hopkins
If 88, I guess at St Ambrose. That is Teddy. Its not home. The other away games that year were Whitewater (and that would not be the background), at Platteville (it was 95 degrees so no jackets), at Oshkosh (night game), and at Stout (snow and last game ever for coach). Just guessing.
Mike Farley
Not that it’s crucial, I just find it a curiosity. I need one of you ’87 or ’88 guys to give me your best Sherlock Holmes. We seem to be closing in. 🙂
Sharon Larson
Looks like Stump, Logan, and Coach O.
Sharon Larson
Happy birthday, Coach Farley😟
Mike Farley
Mike Farley
he would have been 85 today. Thanks for remembering.
Tom Hayes
Looks like he’s ordering a Dairy Queen chocolate shake from the ref.
Mike Farley
Tom Hayes but you know that ref wouldn’t give him one… maybe a Buster Bar, tho.
Eric Elmhorst
1987 was Stout at home, last game of the year. Beautiful, sunny day! This isn’t Ramer? I think Benny is correct, 1988. Maybe a scrimmage at Southwest Minnesota? But was Teddy the D-coordinator only for 87 and then went to UW-Superior?
Mike Farley
Everyone dressed the part for a scrimmage?
Eric Elmhorst
good point
Mike Farley
and don’t think it’s a home game…
Eric Elmhorst
Superior in 87? Don’t remember their field??
Eric Elmhorst
Roy Gruel, LeRoy Miles, Jon Meyer?
LeRoy Miles
Benny is correct and I think it was at superior.
Still remember Gene Wilder reffing that game. Lol.
Mike Farley
I played in a game there back in ’83 where the field was so muddy that we came out dirtier than that picture of the last game my dad coached. It was so nasty that the seagulls outnumbered the fans 3 to 1.
LeRoy Miles
I remember your dad talking about that game. Is that the game when you punted on 3rd down and the ball went backwards. After that he would roll the ball in the mud and then make us snap it. As a part time long snapper I still remember “Miles are you shitten me, I can piss harder than that” when the snap took to long to get to the holder. Good memories.
Eric Elmhorst
Mike Farley so must be 87 at Superior. Hat to protect from gulls. Easy
Jon Meyer
Eric Elmhorst it was Ducks! Ask Cota
Mike Farley
So what’s the score?
Eric Elmhorst
lopsided, a lot to a few…
Eric Elmhorst
LeRoy Miles remember score?
LeRoy Miles
38-14 good guys….remember the Vienne Brothers. they played up there. they also had a 6’5′ D end from Texas that we couldn’t block with Meyer or Vandy so they had me pull from the center position to get er done…. lol…the D end had a full ride to go there rumor had it. we did have a hard time blocking him. i remember film and coach Farley caught Bing sleeping boy was that intense….
Eric Elmhorst
Maybe next year was a lot to a little?
Eric Elmhorst
In 1987 we open with Minnesota Morris then Superior then Saint Ambrose?
Dan VandeYacht
LeRoy Miles is partly correct as we all know Jon Meyer and Vandy were wishbone tackles on a good veer path blocking the linebackers and we were optioning the 6′ 5″ full ride. Coach was actually yelling at LeRoy in this picture as he was holding again. So, now you know the rest of the story.
LeRoy Miles
Jim Schulenburg
You could never get to the linebacker LeRoy Miles!
LeRoy Miles
Jim Schulenburg thought you had my back? You sound like mr. Defense DUGAN
Jim Schulenburg
Always have your back!
Mike Farley
Fantastic conclusion to a simple mystery. As we find more photos, we’ll get #FalconNation on the case!
That’s 62 responses!