Mary LaRue: Trainer stories

Mary LaRue: Trainer stories

Coach Farley was and always will be one of the greatest mentors I ever had. As a student athletic trainer working with Stump everyday, I was often under the constant scrutiny of Coach at practices, games and many, many camps. So many camps, that I never thought there...
Daryl Herrick: Whitewater

Daryl Herrick: Whitewater

In 1971, the Falcon program found its first milestone by beating the best team in the country, UW-Whitewater, on one of the coldest days anyone can remember at Ramer Field.  Key in that game was a two-way player named Daryl Herrick — who recounts stories vs. the...
Arlin Frank: Mesh Jerseys

Arlin Frank: Mesh Jerseys

Another favorite memory I have of Coach… We had those half shirt game jerseys and Jeff Reginald knew how to tie them up so they were tight to the shoulder pads.  It decreased the amount of material the O-lineman could use to hold you.   We were tying them up...
Sharon Larson: The Football Secretary

Sharon Larson: The Football Secretary

Memories from the UW-River Falls Football Office: Coach Farley hired me in 1977 basically “off the street” as I had never attended college and had been a stay at home mom. We shared a very small office in Karges.  My typewriter was at the end of a long...