Mystery Photo #2

Mystery Photo #2

The work done in one day on Mystery Photo #1 was phenomenal by #FalconNation on Facebook. Proved that the guys from the late 80’s could get the job done.  Now’s the opportunity for the guys from the 70’s to test their mettle.  Same rules apply: 1....
Mystery Photo #1

Mystery Photo #1

My brother Steve just came back from visiting my mother in Mesa, Arizona. Each visit for any of us, usually results in finding a “long lost” photo from my dad’s youth. However, Steve found this Falcon game photo of my dad on the sidelines,...
Dik Waak: You Gotta Believe

Dik Waak: You Gotta Believe

Mike,First let me say my deepest condolences to you and your family. I am just echoing what you already know and have been told many times, Coach Farley was an exceptional coach and human being. I just want to share two things that I have always held with me about...