Arlin Frank: Mesh Jerseys

Arlin Frank: Mesh Jerseys

Another favorite memory I have of Coach… We had those half shirt game jerseys and Jeff Reginald knew how to tie them up so they were tight to the shoulder pads.  It decreased the amount of material the O-lineman could use to hold you.   We were tying them up...
Sharon Larson: The Football Secretary

Sharon Larson: The Football Secretary

Memories from the UW-River Falls Football Office: Coach Farley hired me in 1977 basically “off the street” as I had never attended college and had been a stay at home mom. We shared a very small office in Karges.  My typewriter was at the end of a long...
Daryl Herrick: Racquetball

Daryl Herrick: Racquetball

I remember Coach Farley challenging me to a game of racquetball my junior year at RF. I had heard the legendary stories of Coach being an outstanding racquetball player with a great kill shot. I had never played racquetball, but I thought that I was athletic and...
Steve Farley: Memorial Transcript

Steve Farley: Memorial Transcript

My name is Steve Farley and I’m the oldest of the 3 Farley boys. On behalf of my family, thank you very much for being here today to help celebrate my dad’s life. My father wasn’t big on parties or social events but having the chance to see all of you, this is one...