Greg Corning: 7 Farley Quotes

Greg Corning: 7 Farley Quotes

FARLEY QUOTES Like everyone knows, Coach Farley taught us all the game of life through the game of football.  He would constantly emphasize he was not only getting us ready for the game of the week, but also for the game of life.  His message was how a young man can...
Ritchie Narges: 117th Win

Ritchie Narges: 117th Win

Before I share any story, I need to express how blessed and fortunate I am to have had Coach Farley in my life.  In 5 short years he taught all of us many lifelong lessons and gave us the tools and mental preparation to be successful in all aspects of our lives. I...
Newt Greaser: The Scouting Trip

Newt Greaser: The Scouting Trip

The facts in this story are mostly true the best I can remember.  They are taken from a 29 year old man who was beginning his third year of coaching with Farley.  I moved to River Falls to sell insurance and raise our family.  How I got coerced into coaching is a...