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Updates to this site…

  Recently, Jim Thies, the Sports Information Director at UW-River Falls has shared two more videos regarding the tribute.  One, a former player tribute and the other, a video of the speakers at the Tribute dinner.  It’s great to get a hint of how much of...
Calling for game film!

Calling for game film!

Unfortunately, my own collection is at zero in this regard.  I’ve put the word out to Jim Thies, but I distinctly remember guys transferring film to VHS. Wondering if any of you have transferred it to DVD or actually posted something to YouTube?  If so,...
1989 UWRF Hall of Fame Inductee

1989 UWRF Hall of Fame Inductee

Article from UWRF.edu website. Mike Farley Mike Farley has played a major role at UW-River Falls as a person, teacher and coach and people associated with him have rich memories of the veteran coach. Farley coached the Falcon football team for 19 seasons. They were...